[Salon] The Biden administration and the ICC


The Verity Courier


By Ron Estes

1 June 2024

  The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal seated in The Hague, Netherlands. It is the first and only permanent international court with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. President Biden is making a serious mistake attacking the  ICC  warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

In doing so, the U.S. found itself at odds with some key allies after President  Biden denounced the chief prosecutor of the world’s top war crimes court for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders.  France and Belgium, were among a number of countries to defend the “independence” of the International Criminal Court after prosecutor Karim Khan accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, of war crimes. It’s about time.

After mass violence, “ethnic cleansing,” and genocide took place in Yugoslavia and Rwanda during the 1990s, two temporary courts were created by the United Nations Security Council to bring perpetrators to trial. The precedent of Nuremberg trials after WWII laid the groundwork for these temporary tribunals.

The temporary nature of the international courts, along with continued violence around the world, raised several questions: Was it possible to create a more permanent international criminal court? Would such a court act as a deterrent for the worst atrocities? What crimes would come under the jurisdiction of an international criminal court? To address these questions, representatives from more than 160 countries gathered in Rome in June 1998 at a meeting called the Rome conference. Because the representatives came from diverse cultures with differing views on justice, reaching agreement about the structure of an international criminal court required careful negotiation and compromise. Despite these challenges, the document drafted at this conference, the Rome Statute, was eventually approved, establishing the International Criminal Court. As of 2015, 123 countries had officially recognized the authority of the court. The International Criminal Court (ICC) began investigating its first cases in 2002. 

The Hamas 7 0ctober attack on Israel was a bizarre, thoughtless, dangerous,  mindless, suicidal act, and Israel had every right to defend itself. There was, however, a series of episodes setting the stage for such an attack. Israel has occupied Gaza for 57 years, and since 2007  imposed a blockade on the territory that deprived the population of adequate food. The blockade violates article 33 of the 4th Geneva Convention: collective punishment of a civilian population. Violations of the Convention are prosecutable as war crimes by the ICC.

Israel has reelected Netanyahu as Prime Minister for the 6th time. And Netanyahu has formed a coalition to govern which Israeli media classifies as the most right-wing in the history of Israel.

The Netanyahu Government has avowed to strengthen and increase the size of Israeli settlements built on Israeli occupied Palestinian territory, and that intention has created a crisis for the Biden Administration in the UN Security Council. A proposed UNSC resolution is being processed which will demand an immediate halt to Israeli settlement activity, and Secretary of State Blinken is struggling to avoid a showdown at the UNSC, with the U.S. effort to guide this UNSC session into a five day condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Netanyahu expansion intentions once again  provide the U.S. an opportunity to prove to the nations in the region that Israel and the U.S. do not share the same values. Israel has constructed 144 settlements in the occupied West Bank, including 12 in East Jerusalem which Israel has annexed. Approximately 700,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The U.S. has opposed the introduction of Israeli settlements on occupied territory, making the point that they are obstacles to introducing a two-state solution to peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Not to lose the vote and campaign financial support of the Israel lobby in the U.S.,both Democratic and Republican parties have historically ignored the fact that the Israeli settlements are a violation of international law.

Those settlements violate Article 49, paragraph six of the Fourth Geneva Convention which explicitly stipulates that “the occupying power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” Violations of the Geneva Convention are prosecutable as war crimes before the International Criminal Court in the Hague. The UN International Court of Justice ruled that Israeli provision of infrastructure, land, funding, schools, synagogues, water, electricity, roads, etc., constitutes transfer of civilian population to occupied territory, and thus the settlements violate international law and are illegal,” as did:  Amnesty International, the Human Rights Watch, and the European Union. The Conference of the Convention of the High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Convention also  declared the settlements illegal in 2001.

The Biden administration has been handed a golden opportunity to restore its leading political and ethical role in the region, damaged by the Trump recognition of Jerusalem as the capital Israel, by not only supporting the current  ICC  warrant for Netanyahu, but also taking a leading role in supporting  ICC warrants  and prosecution of Netanyahu and other responsible Israeli officials for war crimes committed by the Gaza blockade and West Bank settlements. 

Ron Estes served 25 years as an Operations Officer in the CIA Clandestine Service.

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